/ʃʊɾə/ /ʃʊɾə/ 'd' becomes flap right? 'd' all 'ds' in Should have, Could have, Would have, /ʃʊɾə/, /kʊɾə/, /wʊɾə/, the d's on all those three words become a flap, right? /ʃʊɾə/, /kʊɾə/, /wʊɾə/. So what's actually /ʃʊɾə/?, /ʃʊɾə/ is actually: Should have, right? Should have, right? You get rid of the 'h', get rid of the 'v' what it is usully followed by a consonant, you get rid of the 'v', if you look it up in a dictionary, is /hæv/ riɡht, you ɡet rid of 'v', you ɡet rid of 'h', now 'æ' gets reduced to a schwa, right? so we have /ʃʊd/, now we're going to link it together, /ʃʊd ə, right, 'd' becomes between two vowels, so they become /ʃʊɾə/, /ʃʊɾə/, right? this is what we actually say. /ʃʊɾə/, ok, /ʃʊɾə/.